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  • 4 Tools to Supercharge your Framer Website

4 Tools to Supercharge your Framer Website

and the latest Framer templates & resources


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But for now, let’s dive in!

4 Tools to Supercharge your Framer Website

Framer has become a game-changer for web development, allowing designers and developers to create stunning and interactive interfaces with unparalleled ease.

But just like any powerful tool, Framer websites can also be supercharged with additional tools that will unlock unlimited potential. Whether you're aiming for smoother visuals, member-only areas, seamless data capture, or in-dept analytics, these tools serve as the missing puzzle pieces to take your Framer website to the next level.

In this article we’ll be looking into five essential tools that can supercharge your Framer project, empowering you to craft truly exceptional web experiences for users.

Strata - a sleek, refined portfolio template that gives your work the platform it deserves.

Reify - a cutting-edge template meticulously crafted to ignite a financial landing page.

Badejo - your go-to sleek and minimal portfolio template to showcase your design projects.

Manson - a template designed for innovative design studios & agencies aiming for a unique online presence.

Frameblox - the ultimate Framer UI kit and prebuilt website template library.

FramerMart - supercharge your Framer site with components & overrides.

Template Finder - search across 1000+ Framer templates from the marketplace.

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